Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Unfortunate News..

Unfortunately I miscarried today. It is sad because this is the 2nd Miscarriage Shaun and I have been through. Yes I am upset, and discourage, but I also know that my Heavenly Father is watching out for Shaun and I, and he has our best interests at heart. Shaun and I both feel confident that we will have a baby soon enough, until then we are trying very hard to be patient, and look at the positive side of things. :)


  1. I am so impressed with your strength and outlook on this.

  2. We love you Lyss! Keep your chin up!

  3. sorry to hear that! I had two miscarriages before I had Beckett too. I was so scared when I got pregnant with Beckett that I didn't tell anyone until I was past the first trimester. You guys will be in my prayers!
