Thursday, October 15, 2009


Okay everyone, yes I am blogging about new shoes! I have nothing else!! Shaun and I recently found a Macys gift card and I almost threw it out.....BUT knowing my oh so frugal husband I thought to myself, "hmm, he has probably never spent what was on this card." So I decided to call and find out the balance! I was so excited to find out there was money on it, and a good amount, not like a dollar or two!!! Well I thought, hmm what do we need...and what do we need at Macys? The answer!!! SHOES for ALYSSA!!! So today I got black Converse! I have never had Converse shoes before and I am thrilled! The only reason I really considered even buying them is because they will go PERFECTLY with my Halloween Costume! WOO HOO! I know it is silly but we have been trying hard to save any extra money we have and so shopping for something like shoes or clothes has not been at the top of our list, so this is a happy day!
Thanks baby!!

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