Saturday, June 5, 2010

Women's Conference

Every April my mom and sister come up for Women's Conference. THis year I was finally able to go because I was able to get it off work, and let me tell you, It was TOTALLY worth it! There were great speakers that I felt were speaking directly to me, and there were great service projects. I was so lucky to have gone with my mom and sister to this wonderful event. It was so uplifting and it took the load from the world off my shoulders. I recommend any women of age to attend this conference!
This is one of the Service Projects they had going on while we were all listening to the speakers. We sat in the back and made this little boxes. This was a very hard project to get through between all the tears. I was truly humbled by this project. These boxes (and they did little infant bracelets to go inside) are made for mommies who have a baby that dies, so they have something to bring home from the hospital. When i heard this I lost it. TO think we were making these boxes for mothers of children who have passed away broke my heart. It made me really think was those mothers go through, and it made me so grateful that I have only had miscarriages, and not made it far enough to where I was delivering and not coming home with my precious baby. Nothing can replace their baby but these boxes are made to let them know that they are loved and cared about.

1 comment:

  1. WOW--I had tears reading what the boxes were for. How incredibly hard. I've had a few friends experience it, unfortunately. Looks like you ladies had a great time. I hope to go when my girls are old enough!
