Thursday, February 7, 2013

Labor Part 1

My labor was anything but expected. To start off, I fully expected to have Addyson at or around 36-37 weeks just like my mom did with all of her 7 children (some earlier). I was 100% prepared for her to make her entrance by 34 weeks and the anticipation was killing me! I certainly didn't want her to come when she wasn't ready but when your mom and grandma and both aunts on your mom's side have all had their children 2-3 weeks early what else can you expect!? Needless to say finding out at every doctor appointment that I hadn't even started to dilate or efface OR drop I was getting antsy especially at my 38 week appointment....39 week appointment....and the appointment ON my due date. So finally I did the only thing I could do, accept that she was staying in till she wanted and I had to be patient.  The day of my 40 week appointment the doctors office had a power outage and their system was down so they told me to go into the hospital, get an ultrasound there and then get a non stress test just to make sure the baby was still alright. They checked me and I was 1cm!!!! YAY! Doesn't seem like a big deal? Well it was!! After doing all that and being at the hospital for 3 hours and being so excited I had dilated 1cm I went to Walmart, got some last minute baby stuff, saw Shaun and told him the good news, went to Cafe Rio and got a yummy steak salad and went home.
Of course at this point my house was no longer 100% ready because I had just given up on her coming before 41-42 weeks. The laundry wasn't done, the dishes needed to be done and I really needed to vacuum. Ignoring all of that I sat down on the floor, turned on a show and started eating me salad. After finishing most of it and feeling the need to go the bathroom I started to get up when all of a sudden GUSH!!! It felt like I had just emptied my bladder all over. I started shaking and kind of freaking out and I called my mom and explained what happened (I think I forgot to mention that my mom's water never broke on its own so I wasn't expecting that either). After talking to my mom she told me to get to the hospital and she packed her bags and left the house in a snow storm to drive the 7 hours to be at my side. After that I called the hospital, explained what had happened. The lady asked if I was still feeling a gushing feeling, which I wasn't, so she told me to just lie down and come in when I was ready and if I felt like I was gushing I should come in immediatly. Well I sat down on the bed called Shaun and told him what had happened and told him not to worry I was ok and he didn't need to come home yet...then I stood up again and the gushing started and didn't stop. So he got in the car and rushed home. In the mean time I had calmed myself down, of course changed my clothes and I got my bag and anything else I needed at the hospital and set it by the door...then I started vacuuming! Shaun came home to me cleaning and thought it was the funniest thing. I wasn't ready!!! My mom was coming, her room was a mess and things needed to get done. Finally after not feeling the baby move I started to get nervous so we decided it was time to go.
We got to the hospital a little after 8 (about 45 minutes after my water broke) and they got us checked in and all settled and of course I STILL felt like I was peeing my pants so that was fun but Shaun and I were both ecstatic! I had called my Aunt who lived in Cedar City at the time, and she had called my Grandma and my other Aunt, who both hopped in the car immediately and also traveled in a snow storm to be there. I had so much love and support in my hospital room it was so fun! Everyone made it around midnight except my mom who made it about 2 hours later. I of course was still lying in bed wishing my baby out (which wasn't working). Because I was only dilated 1 cm and wasn't progressing they had to put me on Pitocin which was SO MUCH FUN! NOT!!!! I basically dealt with contractions induced by Pitocin from about 8:45 till 7:30 the next morning when the Anesthesiologist came in to give me an epidaral. They wouldn't give me one sooner because I wasn't really dilating even with the Pitocin  but by 7:30 in the morning and only being 3 cm dilated with Pitocin way up I felt like I might die so they gave it to me. Of course because the pitocin was so high the epidural felt like it wasn't doing a thing so the anesthesiologist had to come in and give me and extra dose of medicine because the dumb automated medicine dispenser wasn't letting me have it fast enough. After a while it started to help again but they had to keep upping pitocin and there was even quiet chatter that they may have to do a C-section but luckily my little angel was a trooper and her heartbeat stayed strong!....

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