Thursday, February 7, 2013

Labor Part 2 here is the rest of the fun adventure: Even though they were trying to stay quiet about a c section I knew what they were talking about. I'm not an idiot. When two nurses come in and look at my progress then go discuss with the doctor in the hall you know something is up. Luckily there was no c section but the nurse came in and turned my pitocin up so high that it took me from 4cm to 10cm in about 10 minutes! Umm yeah that's fast, and painful despite the epidural. I just kept asking why I was feeling so much pain, and what the heck was the point of them sticking a needle in my back if it wasn't going to do a DANG thing! It was super fun! The worst part of hitting a 10 so fast was that I felt like I had to go the bathroom for most of it. I kept telling my husband to run and get the nurse because I really had to go (after sending him out about 3 times and me not believing what the nurse told me the nurse came in herself) she informed me that what I was feeling was the urge to push and that meant the baby was ready to come, however, I had to wait for my Dr. To come. You can imagine my frustration when they told me the doctor was over at his office across the street and he would be over soon. I was about to burst because I needed to push! Yeah, if you've been through it I'm sure you have all been told not to push when you really needed to and you wanted to punch someone. That was me. Luckily I had my mom coaching me through telling me she knows I need to push but I need to hold on a little longer and she helped me justify my anger, and of course my husband was there on my other side being my support and telling me the same thing even though he couldn't understand it himself. Once the doctor showed up I was so ready to push that from there on it seemed like a cake walk. Of course I had my husband, my mom, my two aunts and my grandma all in there as my cheerleaders (it was not my plan to have all those people in there but after 15 hours of labor I didn't really care who was in the room at that point- and let's be honest, half a dozen people yelling at you to push and cheering you on definitely makes it easier). The doctor would tell me to push and then take a breath and I finally just asked if I could keep pushing and he said if I had the energy go for it! So I did and little Addy Mae came into the world screaming and healthy fairly quickly. Now that I look back on the whole experience it was amazing and even though I was in a lot of pain It was one of the best days of my life and everything Shaun and I had dreamed of and I can't wait to do it again! Next comes the fun part... All the posts and pictures of our beautiful little girl!

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